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Khat (quat / qat / qaadka / chatnull)

Khat (quat / qat / qaadka / chatnull)

Khat (quat / qat / qaadka / chatnull)

Khat, also known as quat, qat, qaadka, or chatnull, is a flowering plant native to the Arabian Peninsula and the Horn of Africa. The leaves and young shoots of the khat plant (Catha edulis) contain psychoactive substances, primarily cathinone, cathine, and norephedrine. These substances are stimulants and have amphetamine-like effects when consumed.

Khat has a long history of traditional use in the regions where it grows. The fresh leaves are chewed or brewed into tea, and the stimulant effects are sought after for their ability to increase energy, suppress appetite, and produce a feeling of euphoria. In social settings, khat chewing has often been a part of cultural and social gatherings.

The use of khat, however, also carries certain risks. Prolonged and frequent use can lead to a range of health problems. These can include dental issues, digestive problems, cardiovascular effects, and psychological dependence. Chronic use may also lead to sleep disturbances, anxiety, irritability, and in some cases, psychosis.

The legal status of khat varies from country to country. In some regions, such as Somalia, Ethiopia, and Yemen, khat is legal and widely used. In other countries, it may be regulated or prohibited due to concerns about its potential health and social impacts.

If you have further questions or concerns about khat, it is advisable to consult with local authorities or healthcare professionals who can provide more specific information about the legal status and potential risks associated with its use in your region.

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